Monday, April 18, 2011

U.S. Economy Circles Drain?

Recently, it occurred to me that we may be in more trouble than we know. Over the weekend, I had an opportunity to reflect on the Congressional approach to cutting a relatively small amount of money from the current budget. Overall, it was an unflattering spectacle. There were plenty of threats, name-calling and outrage on every side of the issue. Every party stretched truth beyond recognition and lies hovered near the lips of the speakers.

It was only at the last minute that the parties reached agreement. I am sure the nation sighed with relief, as did I.

The next hurdle for our federal government is the debt ceiling. Since we are in the hole for more than $14 trillion, what harm could come from borrowing another trillion or two? I expect very little.

Then, the notion crossed my mind that the harm lies in the process. As nervous creditors watch, our Congress may put on another “show” over this issue, too. Then, at a quarter ‘til midnight, they’ll announce an agreement. It will be too late.

I imagined the emotions and judgments a serious creditor might make while watching the federal circus, day after day. The thought made me queasy. What would it do for the sensitive digestive tracts of, say, the Chinese? I hope they have a large wok handy as they watch. I can imagine them needing a wash-up before meeting to decide what to do – days or weeks before the deadline.

Then I imagined a large container ship might sail into the Port of L.A. a week later. The cargo of redeemed U.S. Treasuries would have the ship decks awash under the load. In a few more days, trillions of dollars in U.S. currency would arrive at a port in China, say, Shanghai.

Then? Well, let’s just say our debt problem would be less, but we might soon feel nostalgia for $5.00 per gallon gasoline.

Gee. I truly hope I am wrong about this.  Or, maybe not.


  1. I hope these United States do a lot of things different if we are so lucky to come out of this in any way. Our government leaders, all of them, have not been doing their jobs and that is why we are in this shape to begin with. The dems should have left social security in the SS fund and not put it in the General Fund years ago and then spend it on what they wanted to. The reps and dems should have spoke up and done something when Wall Street and Main Street were taking us for a ride and dear ole Freddie & Mac - get rid of them.

  2. Might I mention the citizens elected everyone of those scaliwags and carpet-baggers? Apparently, we are a nation of morons.

  3. The only answer for my family is to keep moving toward a truly self sufficient lifestyle & location. Simple math will tell you that this ride will not last forever.

  4. Hm. I guess I could move to the ranch and raise vegetables and chickens. Mebbe start a commune?
