Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Blank Page

This Christmas past, “Santa” brought me some new bicycle clothing. It is the real stuff, too. High tech and form fitting (oh, no) it is stylishly black with large chartreuse panels fore and aft on the jersey. These highly visible panels cry out for an inscription.

I have considered selling advertising on the space, but dismissed the idea. Who would buy it? A “Fat Farm,” perhaps? Maybe a cardiologist would be interested. You know, "Don't let this happen to you!"

Well, forget them. I think I need a more direct and useful message. I can put two messages on the jersey, one in front and another in back.

Right now, I am thinking “Man Down” for one side and possibly “Call 911” on the other.

I admit I may need a little help here. If anyone has a suggestion or two, I would be happy to get it – just post a comment and let me know what you think. Surely, my alert readers can offer some better choices!


  1. Front panel: I C U
    Back panel: wide load


  2. "Wide Load" might be a transitory condition. Nah. Who am I kidding.

  3. Front: Caution may back up
    Back: Beep Beep Beep

    I may have more later. It's still early.

  4. In my own defense, I was thinking of something that might be spotted by the search and rescue helicopter, but yours are still probably better.

  5. On the front put "SOS" in BIG letters so they can read from the helicopter. On the back put "if you are close enough to read this, get off my ass".

  6. Hmmm. I like both sides of this one...

  7. Orlando recommends the following.On the front you should put "FRONT" On the back you should put "BACK". This way automobile drvers will know they are about to run over you if they see "BACK";and,they will know that they missed you if they see "FRONT", in their rearview mirror. Its so simple.

  8. ...

    Dear Q.T., Too wordy. How about a Bullseye on back and "Maggies Drawers" on the front? Or was it the other way 'round?


  9. How about-
    "I'm sitting this one out!"

  10. How bout "I'm peddling as fast as I can" for the back and "If you can read this you're driving too slow" on the front.

  11. "Crash Test Dummy" across the chest and back

    Hill Slug

    Need a Push



  13. I recommend Eric's link. I WILL be shopping there!
