Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Three Weeks with Mortality

It will be two weeks this coming Friday that I got the call. It was my mother’s voice, but slurred and with gaps. She struggled to make herself understood. It came out like this: “I’ve had a minor stroke and I am in the hospital in Granbury.”

I fell silent for a moment, trying to integrate what I heard. When my single brain cell finished processing, I said, “I’m on my way.” Five minutes later, I fired up the Bat mobile and aimed west. I felt it better taking the extra time to don trousers.

Less than an hour later, I arrived at the Granbury Medical Center and strode directly to mother’s room. My brother and his wife were there. They were somber.

I went to her side and grasped her hand. Bending low, I kissed her forehead and said, “I AM HERE MOM!” She is hearing challenged, y’know. She looked up at me and proclaimed her undying love for me, provided  I “ get me the the Hell out of there in the next thirty minutes.”

“Wait here,” I said, “while I talk to the nurse.” The “wait here” part was a jest my Mom understood. I took it as a good sign.

The nurse said she seemed in good shape, considering. I deduced that the alternative, or bad shape, would have left her dead in her tracks. She was very lucky, so far.

I got the rundown. Cognitive abilities were okay. All limb movement was available, but her left side was uncoordinated and pitifully weak. The MRI showed this was the second of two strokes. The first occurred about six months earlier. We all recalled her slurred speech for a few days, but the she recovered. Waiting was all we could do now.

After three days, the hospital transferred her to a rehabilitation center recommended by my brother. I checked it out and it seems well equipped, clean and competently managed. I booked my Mom in for rehabilitation.

She is in rehab now and today she seems to be improving. I will catch up with more details in the next few days.

For now, I think I shall pour myself a glass of old Scotch whiskey and kick back.  Tomorrow is another day.



  1. I hope your mom is up and at 'em soon...very

  2. ...
    and so does the staff at the rehab center!

  3. I hope your mom progresses right along. Give her my best wishes and tell her I said to kick some you know what while she is in there. It is not a great place to be. Be sure and check on her at different times of the day so they never know when you are going to visit. Keep them on their toes.

  4. Your family will be in our families prayers.

  5. ...
    Thanks, Eric. That means a lot to us all.

    Hank :)

  6. Where on earth did that advertising come from?

  7. ...

    I presume you are referring to the Hot Russian Babe Mail Order Brides. I am unsure where it came from. I am allowing time for a concensus to develop. Are you FOR HRBMOB ad, or AGAINST them?

    Personally, I am disenchanted with internet ads. They will likely go the way of the Dodo, unless there is a general outcry to keep them.


  8. Hank,
    Rarely do I post comments on your blog.Generally because I am laughing and am to out of control or busy bragging to friends and other family members about my intelligent, witty older cousin. Today I am making an exception since there are very serious matters addressed in this blog, so - here goes:
    Please tell your Mom hello for me and that she is,along with all of your family,in my thoughts and prayers.
    Of course the other matter is reagrding the HRBMOB ad. I'm for them!! ~JB~

  9. ...
    Thanks, JB, but what's this "older" business? Oh. Right.

    I'll tell my Mom you are praying for her recovery. I am sure she will be grateful.

    So far, I haven't had any strong complaints about the HRBMOBs. I admit it was a surprise to me and not entirely unpleasant. I dunno. Do you suppose and children read this page?
