Thursday, February 3, 2011


It is colder ’n a well digger’s [bottom] in the Yukon! The temperature has struggled up to 25 from 9 or 10 early this morning. Judging by the television reports (and I have watched a LOT of TV this week) the entire planet is under an inch or two of ice, except for Egypt. In Egypt, they are having a rock fight in downtown Cairo. At least they are warm.

The ice came Monday night. I have been frozen in since then. If anyone finds this note, tell my friends and relatives I thought of them as I went stark raving.

Texans are world renowned for their driving skills on ice, and not in a good way. Dallas is home to half a million commuters and I bet there were 600,000 accidents on Monday. It has gotten better since then. I guess everyone either wised up and stayed home or is in the hospital recovering from multiple auto accidents.

Personally, I have only one complaint. Since the storm arrived around midnight, I missed my chance to go to the store and lay in a supply of cakes, pies, cookies and candies for the occasion. Now, the fact that everything in the house is “good for me” just adds to the cabin fever.

The local weather idiot promises a thaw for Saturday and Sunday. I hope he is right. I shudder to think about 100,000 anti-freeze filled souls jamming the icy roads to see the Super Bowl. The carnage would be awful.

Okay, after the snow we are supposed to get tonight melts and the snow we are supposed to get next week melts; I think everything will be okay after that.

See you in the spring!


  1. Well, here it is going to be around 80
    over the weekend. That means about 72 or 73
    where I live by the ocean. That makes me sad.
    Why can't WE have 80 degree weather, too? I
    am so jealous of the folks that live in Los
    Angeles. Oh...Hank...I didn't mean to make
    you want to reach across the computer screen
    and slap me. Um...maybe I did...stay warm!

  2. Not to worry. I am sustaining my sense of humor with a celery and endive salad. I also have a potato chip that looks exactly like Herbert Hoover.

    So there!

  3. Three kids aged 1, 3, and 32 all cooped up in the house with you. Vacation my A..! Can't we all just go back to work/ pre-school? Please!?

  4. Dear Anon.

    I'm hearing alot of that sentiment...

  5. Oh my gosh, Hank! Your post had me laughing LOUDLY as I sit in my office! I am so sorry you had to resort to healthy food. Can I send you something, or is the postman staying in, too? Girl Scout cookies are out now. How does that sound? If you're lucky, maybe someone will knock on your door.

    My favorite part of your post was the report on the 600,000 accidents caused by the 500,000 communters! Bah ha ha!!!


  6. Apparently that "..rain, sleet or dark of night" stuff is baloney. The postman cometh not.

    Yeah, a nice, plump girl scout might be just the thing. Mmmmm, Girl Scouts.

    Truth is, most of us are having a pretty good time. :)

  7. It's 63 in Fountain Valley and I'm freezing!!! BR

  8. You might say "Brrrrr," BR.

    (I was always cold out there unless I was in direct sunlight. Go figure.)

  9. i can't help but to agree with you on all accounts. After two days and 3 nights being held hostage by my house, I ventured out today and slid all of the way to the workout place. I even slid up to the door. I guess I thought they had curb service. On the venture home I poured my car down the street just like that Owl Hank was talking about and made it home safe and sound only to find out I could not make it up the hill my driveway is on. After many attempts, I went to Target for Kittle Litter and alcohol.'s not what you are thinking. I heard alcohol would melt ice but they forgot to tell me you would have to have a ton of it for my driveway. My neighbor came out, I poured the kitty litter and he drove the car. I probably don't have a muffler any more but my car is in the garage and I have decided to walk to my next venture.


  10. Here is a note for anyone, particularly parents trapped indoors with young children. Golf shoes can dramatically improve traction on ice. So, if you're only a few miles from the store, go for it! :)
