Thursday, November 5, 2009

Groot Vader, Lord of the Fifth!

First, some important announcements:

On December 6, 2009, I shall exhibit a collection of amazing photographs here:

Cross Timbers Fine Arts Council

204 River North Boulevard

Stephenville, Texas 76401

(254) 965-6190

The open house will occur between 1:00 and 5:00 pm, CST. Mention my name, and admission is free. Do not be left out. There is still time to buy a cheap airline ticket, if needed. Stephenville is 80 miles south of Ft. Worth, Texas on U.S. Hwy 377. I am looking forward to seeing you there. (Bring your checkbook and an assortment of credit cards.)

As long as you are planning a trip to Stephenville, you might be interested in arriving early to enjoy THE MOSCOW BALLET’s performance on November 19. I can hardly believe it myself. General Admission Tickets are $20. I have long admired Stephenville, but I never expected this level of cultural achievement. I am impressed. If you attend, you will be impressed, too. You will also save a fortune in airfare not having to fly to Moscow to see the ballet, or to the Louvre to see my photographs!

Groot Vader, Lord of the Fifth!

I had the good fortune to travel to Ft. Worth on Halloween for “Trick or Treating” with all four grandchildren. It was a blast. The eldest g’child is four, so trudging a block or two in costume was real work for all of them. Trudging that same distance while carrying one or two superheroes or princesses was more work than I remember, too. The weather cooperated. Temperatures were mild, there was no wind and the clear sky sported an enormous full moon. It was perfect for the task-at-hand.

The T-or-T took place in my daughter’s neighborhood. I was encouraged to see swarms of small children in every sort of costume covering the streets. Residents went all out, too. My favorite house offered an ice chest filled with frosty refreshments for the weary parent on the front lawn. Several adults in my party took full advantage of the hospitality. In fact, there was a considerable delay getting to the next house as I recall. Many homeowners set up shop on the porch (they have those in Ft. Worth, Texas) and doled out treats from there. Jack-o-Lanterns, scary spiders with webs, skeletons and witches decorated almost every home. What fun! My son costumed as “Old Ben” from Star Wars. His son, Augie, made a great Pad wan (Apprentice). William became a muscular Spiderman, his current greatest hero while his sister, Sophia, was a heartbreakingly sweet princess. Me? I got into the spirit of the evening as Groot Vader, Lord of the Fifth. Wait, wasn’t that supposed to be Lord of the Sith? Oh well.  Maybe next year.

Once we returned to my daughter’s house, I was able to sample some of the evening’s loot. It is just as good as I remember it. My son-in-law broke out a large flask of “back medicine,” passing it around among the list of casualties. Soon, the wounded were feeling chipper enough to return home, but not so chipper as to need a cab.    We quit while we were ahead.

I can hardly wait for next year!

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