Monday, December 27, 2010

A Lone Star Christmas

Each year around Christmas, I routinely receive offers from retailers of every kind. They each attempt to offer something so eye catching, so irresistible that you will be unable to restrain the urge to go to their store and shovel out money in exchange for some miraculous product or service. I routinely sail these offers into the round file and get on with my life.

I did, that is, until this one showed up. It is from an area auto dealer specializing in pickup trucks. Before I saw their flyer, I would have said, “I already have a good pickup truck and will not need another for the foreseeable future.”

Then, I looked at the coupon. I must admit, this man knows his market. The chance to win $25,000 is interesting, but we all know the chances are remote. Next, gift cards for some of the major retailers, Wal-Mart, Target, Bass Pro Shop, etc. could be very handy this time of year.

An almost irresistable advertisement?
Last but by no means least, the dealer offers a FREE SHOTGUN with the purchase of every new vehicle. Who could resist such a gesture on the very eve of Christmas? I admit I was seriously tempted. Fortunately, self-control got the better of me and I’ll have to use one to my several existing shotguns in my Yuletide celebrations. (?) I will probably enjoy a simple Christmas Eve, driving through the neighborhood, shooting mailboxes and reindeer in the traditional Christmas in Texas way.

What kind of rube do you suppose those truck salesmen take me for, anyway?

Wishing y’all a Happy and Prosperous 2011!


  1. Hope the new year comes in with a "bang"!


  2. I'm disappointed. You said it was "A Lone Star Christmas." But there was no mention of beer!!! What were you thinking???? BR

  3. Make sure next Christmas you pick me up; just bought a new Mossberg 500:)

    I have a friend in FL. that runs a truck lot and they were giving away AR-15's with the purchase of a new truck.(CrAzY WoRld)

  4. I never would have believed this one if you hadn't attached the ad. Really? A shotgun? Whatever happened to the free tank of gas?

  5. I know there is (or was) a beer named "Lone Star." It was advertised as the national beer of Texas. It was awful. There was a headache in every bottle; the sort of thing you would drink to forget.

  6. Could come in handy if those damn Reindeer show up on my roof again this year!
