Thursday, December 9, 2010

Crawl across the West with Me


This is a huge country!

I awoke in Fortuna, California, a pleasant town on the northern end of CA-1. I puttered about until first light. Then I drove south. Through the evergreen forests, over the streams and rivers I marveled at the view. Naturally, it was overcast and raining (why does it ALWAYS have to rain?) the entire trip. The effect was to give the country a secret, hidden feeling. It was as if I were there all alone. I soaked it up.

Sunset in La Jolla

The roads have few (read zero) shoulders in the forested places, so extensive exploration on foot was out of the question. I shot from the hip and on the move many times. Naturally, I have a dozen photos with scenery seeming to rush toward me. It happens.

Sunset in La Jolla II
 The challenges began when I reached the “Shoreline Highway.” Long time readers know I cannot resist a tight corner. Shoreline Highway is CA-1 on LSD. It is a constant series of tight, hairpin turns. Many either went uphill or downhill, sharply, or even seemed to go both way at the same time. I was able to average about 45 mph through here and I earned every inch of it. It was the upper body workout of the century for me.

Cloud in the Mountains

A Mountain Cabin
 When the road finally let me go, I was exhilarated and limp as a rag from the experience.

I will stick a couple photos in here for a glimpse of the scenery. No, the photos do not do the place justice.

Lots more to come...

PS: Click on the photos to see a larger version.


  1. So, you didn't make it to Samoa! Too bad. It would have been a nice shot. California coastal roads are beautiful and treacherous, kind of like the first girl friend! I hope you come back soon. BR

  2. I like these photos very much. Especially
    the mountain cabin. Wonder who lives there or
    lived there...and if they have indoor plumbing.
    Be safe.


  3. I think it is safe to rule out indoor plumbing for this one. Primitive.

  4. I've always been a sucker for sunset photos over the ocean. Great shot of the wonderful colors (La Jolla II).
