Monday, September 19, 2011

Readers’ Salvation


Glad to see everyone this morning.  I suppose you are wondering why you are here.  I do not blame you.  I think you have suffered long enough, so today; I bring good news for everyone.  I will share it with you right after this important message:
I wish to share an experience with you.  As you know, many of us have had brushes with the authorities regarding drinking and driving.  Well I for one did something about it. 

The other night I was out for dinner with some friends and frankly, I had way too much wine.  Knowing I was wasted, I did something I had never done before.  I took a bus home.  I arrived safe and without incident which was a real surprise since I had never driven a bus before. 
(Sent to me by Zita)
Ta tump!

I have long searched for ways to write and tell better stories.  In fact, I searched the nation for a writing program, but to no avail.  Then, about a month ago, I happened upon the Southern Methodist University (SMU.  Pronounced S’mooo) website.  I was delighted to learn the school has a creative writing program, right here in my own city.  Well, Dallas anyway.  I signed up immediately and ordered my textbook the next day.  The program offers a “core curriculum,” a “non-fiction track,” a “children’s book track,” and a “fiction track.”  I have ruled out non-fiction for lack of interest.  I shall consider the other two at my leisure.
There you have it.  In a few months, you will be able to throw away your head massager, headache remedies and extra strength reading glasses.  I will produce nothing less than Pulitzer Prize winning, quality prose.  You will eventually be glad you stuck it out for all this time.  Mebbe.

Meanwhile, let me know what you think.  Should I devote my golden years to writing children’s stories?  Perhaps the children would be less corrupted if I concentrated on fiction for an older audience, less eager to sue.  You be the judge.

PS:  I hope you do not mind being Guinea pigs for my homework assignments. Heh, heh.



  1. I think you will be a smashing success no matter which path you focus your talents on! I look forward to reading your homework.

  2. The best of your writing is non-fiction---unless you made up all the motorcycle stories and just attached pictures. I know your California adventure was non-fiction. Trust me in this---I am a retired English teacher!!! BR

  3. I think children's books would be a hoot. I am considering that, too. You can whip em' out...get a good illustrator, and there is, as
    PT Barnum used to say, "a new sucker born every minute" or something like that.

  4. I am thinking the same way. I would hire myself to do the illustrations! :) <- See, there is one now.

  5. ...
    Ah yes, Anon.. I've planned a trip for this Fall, but it is uncertain. I may be swept up in class work before I launch. There's always Spring? I keep trying.

  6. I think you have a very interesting mind and a colorful way of putting your thoughts down on paper. It is fun for me to read anyway. Keep up the good work, and don't get too educated. You don't want to get over our heads now do ya??

  7. Choose the one that flows from you most freely. If you can easily hear the words rolling through your head and out through your hands on the keyboard, you'll find it both fun AND satisfying!

    As a friend of my parents once said as they were about to depart in a single engine plane, "Let 'er rip!" Laurie the BMW Gal

  8. Your writing is so good now, those stuff shirts may teach you some bad habits. I love to read your experiences just as you have been telling them.

  9. B.S. is my best medium. Is that sunshine I feel up my skirt?

  10. Is this an "online" course, or are you doing the old "brick & mortar" learning....which I prefer?

    Don't get too bogged down w/ homework Hanko cause I just bought me a motorcycle!!

  11. The course is "old school." On SMU's Dallas campus.

    WHAT!! You better bring it by & let me check it out.

    PS: Why aren't you out of town, or are you?
