Thursday, March 4, 2010

Return to Cross Timbers

The Cross Timbers Fine Arts Council (CTFAC) in Stephenville, TX is exhibiting art with a Texas historical theme during the month of March.  Better still, they invited me to include a few pictures.

Later today I will travel to Stephenville, Texas and install three historical images for the entertainment and enlightenment of gallery visitors.  I started to bring a few of my baby pictures.  Lord knows they are becoming more historical each year.  In the end, I chose somewhat older subjects, even though they aren't that much older.

I hope you will join me at the CTFAC gallery between now and March 25.  Let me know you're coming and I'll try to meet you there!

PS:  The Barbeque at the "Hard Eight" restaurant is worth the trip.


  1. Well, you will have to take pics of the images
    and post 'em! Congrats!!!!!We want a rull report!


  2. ...
    Got off to a poor start. It seems the opening "reception," including wine and cheese, was yesterday. I showed up a day late. I am an idiot.

  3. Sophia is truely a princess, and so beautiful. You are one lucky Grandpa..............thanks for posting her pics. LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!!

  4. Dear Anon,

    It is sweet for you to say that.

