In a world filled with reports of gloomy and hateful events, Gerard Depardieu managed to elbow his way to the front of the news line. Mr. Depardieu apparently felt an urgent need to relieve himself while sitting in a commercial airliner on the tarmac. The story says he asked to visit the restroom and the steward told him he had to wait.
No, he had to go!The next part of the tale is that the actor stood up and proceeded to urinate in the aisle of the airplane. (I can hardly keep from laughing at this.)
Next, the plane returned to the gate, released Mr. Depardieu into the custody of the bladder authorities and called maintenance to clean up the mess in aisle one. Given the high-resolution X-Ray machines operated by the TSA, I am surprised they did not tell him to “go tinkle before boarding the plane.”I am confident Gerard will feel the heavy boot heel of justice on his neck for his wanton act. Still, I cannot blame him so much as the airline and the Federal Government for this crime. (I am sure there is a law specifically forbidding this sort of thing on the federal books. Aren’t you?)
Some have even suggested alcohol might have been involved. Well, D'uh! All I can say is everyone knew he was French when he bought the ticket. Serves them right.
Gerard should get together with the flight attendant from Jet Blue! Perhaps they can ride down the inflatable chute together with FOUR beers!
ReplyDeleteI am certain someone will go "down the chute" over this! HB
ReplyDeleteI would have done the same myself....when you gotta go you gotta go.
ReplyDeleteJust what a little boy with no brain would do.
ReplyDeleteUrine good hands with the airline
ReplyDeleteauthorities...I know, a piss poor joke.
Gonna be hard to watch him on the big screen without remembering this. I am surprised nobody is suing him for the trauma of having to witness this!
ReplyDeleteHollywood might present him with a "best performance award." Ya never know. Hank