On December 6, 2009, I shall exhibit a collection of amazing photographs here:
204 River North Boulevard
Stephenville, Texas 76401
(254) 965-6190
The open house will occur between 1:00 and 5:00 pm, CST. Mention my name, and admission is free. Do not be left out. There is still time to buy a cheap airline ticket, if needed. Stephenville is 80 miles south of Ft. Worth, Texas on U.S. Hwy 377. I am looking forward to seeing you there. (Bring your checkbook and an assortment of credit cards.)
As long as you are planning a trip to Stephenville, you might be interested in arriving early to enjoy THE MOSCOW BALLET’s performance on November 19. I can hardly believe it myself. General Admission Tickets are $20. I have long admired Stephenville, but I never expected this level of cultural achievement. I am impressed. If you attend, you will be impressed, too. You will also save a fortune in airfare not having to fly to Moscow to see the ballet, or to the Louvre to see my photographs!
Groot Vader, Lord of the Fifth!
I had the good fortune to travel to Ft. Worth on Halloween for “Trick or Treating” with all four grandchildren. It was a blast. The eldest g’child is four, so trudging a block or two in costume was real work for all of them. Trudging that same distance while carrying one or two superheroes or princesses was more work than I remember, too. The weather cooperated. Temperatures were mild, there was no wind and the clear sky sported an enormous full moon. It was perfect for the task-at-hand.

I can hardly wait for next year!
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